Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Country Life.........Easy Style

Greetings Fellow Gardeners.                                                                                                                                                     

“Raodasider couch, the sort I get off the side of the road” is how she explained her lawn. Looking fresh and green, it makes a great foundation for the low care gardens around the Rose Cottage of Roseanne and Charles down Greenough way. It doesn’t mind the bit of salt that comes up with the bore water she said.

Hidden away across the Greenough River the house is an excellent example of the architecture of the late eighteen hundreds. Roseanne and Charles have used their talents to create a pleasant, open garden of low care plants that give the feel of country and space. Using odds bits and pieces Charles designed the eye catching examples of his art positioned carefully in the surrounds of Rose Garden cottage. They have a feel of the times gone by with their rustic character.