Friday, April 29, 2011

Surviving in the suburbs on the pension.

Surviving in the suburbs on the pension.                                                                         

I have raised this issue with Bob and a few others at different times down at the local. Being on the pension is a tough call if that is all you got.

“I reckon you gotta be able to grow something yourself,” Bob said. “Not like you can get a killer for a carton and skin it in the back shed like we did back in the good old days. Or have your own chooks and get a rabbit or two now and then.” He complained. “Save a few quid if there was a way pensioners could get vegies or something that was easy.”

“I heard of a bloke in Gero who is doing something like that, “I said.

“Well, why don’t you go and ask him?” Bob answered.

And so I did.

Wilf  hailed from Cockatoo Island in the North, been a crocodile hunter, baker, haul pack driver and a few other things in his career. Now in retirement in Chapman Valley Road, he is growing vegetables, herbs and all good stuff to the extent he and Rose are self sufficient and also supply friends and family with much needed clean, untainted produce.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Freds Slant on growing Vegies.

Greetings garden lovers

We met Fred shovelling horse manure onto his newly prepared garden bed behind his house at Glenfield. There were melons and corn growing well as Fred prepared the beds for future planting. The water for this large garden comes from a bore on the property. It has 1600 parts per million of salt in the water and he uses powerful magnets wrapped around the bore discharge pipe to change the state of the salts and calcium which then lay on the surface. Fred claims that this is okay and can be worked back in the soil later. His plants certainly did not look to be suffering any ill-effects from the bore water. I have read some articles from scientists who refute the use of magnets to improve bore water quality. But Fred is the second person I have talked with in Geraldton who said they have definitely worked for them. Both are keen gardeners.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Got that Veggie Patch ready yet?

Hi Folks.

Got that veggie patch ready yet? Winter will come. I am over this summer and like a lot of people, ready to start planting! Talked to a couple who shared their ideas with me about this.

David and Deb of Bluff Point are interested in sustainability and permaculture. Their veggie plot out the back has been build up over the last few years from impoverished soil.