Tuesday, May 17, 2011

How I set about making a garden in a small unit.

Hi Fellow Gardeners,                                                                                                                                                    

Recently I shifted into a two bedroom unit. It is brand new but only has a small area at the back that I could use for a private garden. Since I have been talking about growing vegies at home, I thought I better set out an example to you, our readers what the hell I was on about. This is what I had to show and tell.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Nice garden up Kalbarri way, You should visit!

Hi fellow gardeners                                                                                                                    

We had heard about Alison from Kalbarri so I gave her a call and Ada and I went up to look at what she was up to. Turns out she is one of Kalbarri’s original citizens, having lived in this one house for fifty two years. When me and me mate Tony from Three Springs camped on the river bank back in 1964 she was living there then in what was a small asbestos lined house. This was the only one in that street apart from a few shacks around about.