Tuesday, May 17, 2011

How I set about making a garden in a small unit.

Hi Fellow Gardeners,                                                                                                                                                    

Recently I shifted into a two bedroom unit. It is brand new but only has a small area at the back that I could use for a private garden. Since I have been talking about growing vegies at home, I thought I better set out an example to you, our readers what the hell I was on about. This is what I had to show and tell.

My umderstanding is that most pensioners and a lot of people on dwindling super, plus low income people cannot manage on their money with todays escalating prices at the fuel bowser and in the supermarket. So growing your own fruit and vegies and making green smoothies makes a lot of sense.You can also find a spot for some flowers in hanging baskets or pots.

First thing I sourced some foam boxes at the local supermarket and fish shop. There are green grow bags you can purchase as well. Then off to the local race track and took some horse manure from out of the stables, (ask the horse people first!). Bought some sheep poo from the stores, plus dynamic lifter, seasol and some thrive just in case! 

Outside our place the builder had left some yellow brickies sand and this has a fair bit of clay in it. So I mixed the horse, sheep, dynamic lifter with a bit of the yellow clay sand and started planting away with seeds plus some seedlings a bloke gave me. It is best to leave the boxes for a week for the manure to settle down! Water it well in and dont forget to make drain holes in the boxes. I got a couple of old benches and set the boxes up higher to catch the sun. Bought five half round hanging baskets, attached them along the back wall and planted petunia and pansy seedlings in there.

Now it is becoming fun to go out each morning and have a chat to the plants plus check them for moisture and bugs.So I recommend that you get into the act and get planting! Happy gardening folks.

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