Monday, October 7, 2013

Travelling in the Eastern States of Australia.


Since early September I have been travelling from Western Australia with my friend in a 1986, Toyota Lite Ace Van.

We left Albany after looking at the old whaling station Museum.

 Old photo of the flensing deck.
Harpoon gun on Cheyness 1V whaler.

Pygmy whale skeleton inside the museum.

We set off from there to Esperance, Norseman and across the Nullabor treeless plain towards South Australia.

 Pretty bleak camp overnight on the Nullabor. My mate was sleeping outside during the night and a howling gale blew in from the desert!
 The wind had dropped in the morning and we had the spectacle of the sunrise over the plains.
This sign says it all! The treeless plain is not very wide on the Eyre highway but widens out North towards the East West railway line.

Closing off this blog now, have much more to update later.

See you then

Stan Maley

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